Lansdale Trip

Starting at the Pennsauken Transit Center, we rode on the 8:41 am NJT train to 30th Street, which had to wait momentarily for the NJT train from Philadelphia to come off the Delair Bridge. We then rode the 10:04 SEPTA train to Doylestown, which got us to Lansdale around 11:10 am. After some photos of the Pennsylvania Northeastern locomotives (from the 3rd floor of the Parking Garage), we had some lunch and boarded the 12:38 PM train back to 30th Street. There was plenty of time to explore the station and its environs. We then took the 2:31 pm train back to Pennsauken, where we waited a couple of minutes for the train from Atlantic City to pull into Pennsauken so the southbound train could depart. Photos by Dave Homer and John Burlage.