West Jersey Rails Quarterly - 2015 to 2025
West Jersey Rails Quarterly is the official journal of West Jersey Chapter, featuring articles on railroad history, current events, and Chapter happenings. Issued four times per year, WJRQ is printed on coated stock (except Vol. 1, No. 1) in 8½" × 11" vertical format.
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Vol. 30, No. 3 - Spring 2025 (Latest Issue)
New Images of Long Beach Island's Railroad: Part One: Manahawkin to Ship Bottom. Brazel.
Pennsylvania Railroad Album. Coxey.
Local Scene. Coxey.
Dining on the Reading. Simon.
Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines Instructions to Enginemen and Firemen as to Handling and Firing Locomotives. Part 2. Lee, Lee.
Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines Lounge Car Service. Coxey.
Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines Instructions to Enginemen and Firemen as to Handling and Firing Locomotives. Part 1. Lee, Lee.
My PRSL RDC Rides to Ocean City. Brazel.
Local Scene.
Diesels to the Cape. Simon.
West Jersey Railroad Album. Allen collection.
Central Railroad of New Jersey Southern Division Album: Bridgeton, New Jersey. Rose collection.
Long Ago Charter Trips. Baile.
PRR Goes to War. Simon.
Naming a Freight Car. Baile.
The Local Scene.
Conrail Album. MacDonald.
New Industries on Old Camden and Amboy (February 1957). Brazel collection.
White Signals Abolished on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Baile.
You Owe My Brother a Car. Vollmer, Baile.
Penn Central and Me. Lee.
Delaware & Raritan River Update. Coxey, Ciocciola.
Local Scene.
The Pennsylvania Railroad’s MP-54 Cars. Simon.
Off to Marlton: Opening of the New Branch of the C. & A. The Morning Post.
Conrail Historical Society Opens Museum. Cunningham.
Local Scene.
Twilight of PRR Rail Motorcars. Simon.
PRSL Album. Coxey.
Growing Up in East Camden. Sweeney.
Date of Last Regularly Scheduled Passenger Service: Pennsylvania Railroad, Reading Company, Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines and Central Railroad of New Jersey in Southern New Jersey. Baer and Coxey.
New York & Long Branch Album: MR Tower, Matawan, N. J. Coxey.
Local Scene.
Pennsylvania Railroad Album. Coxey.
Brill’s Bridge Cars. Vigrass.
The Aldene Plan. Simon.
Conrail Album. Coxey.
Local Scene: New SEPTA Wawa Station. Jakubowski.
The Rush to the Shore: The PRSL 6:00 PM, Friday, August 8, 1952. Fisher.
Train Reporting on the PRSL. Lee.
Raritan & Delaware Bay Album: Newspaper articles from Carl Rose’s collection.
Local Scene.
Prelude to the Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines. Lee.
Easy Travel to the North Jersey Coast. Simon.
The Local Scene.
Narrow Gauge in Salem County. Stanton.
PRSL Rail Diesel Car M-406. Coxey.
Incident at Belle Mead. Simon.
Commuting by Train between Audubon and Camden/Philadelphia during the Post WWII Era. Magee.
Medford Memories. Young.
The Del-Bay Angler. Coxey.
Camden Consolidation Study. Lee.
Local Scene.
Unusual Train Ride to Atlantic City. Sharp.
Amtrak Day One. Simon.
Visit to Southern New Jersey. Sharp.
West Jersey & Seashore Album. Coxey.
The Paulsboro Branch. Coxey.
GATE Block Station. Baile, Macrie.
The Atlantic City Problem. Lee.
More About Pavonia Yard: Robert W. Downing Lecture. Batory.
Pennsylvania Railroad Album. Coxey.
Aldene Adventure. Baer.
More About the B&O to Philadelphia. Coxey.
Last Camden Train to Trenton. Coxey/Long photos.
Local Scene.
Bridge Reconstruction Aided by Tides. Coxey/Lee.
Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend: B&O Passenger Trains New York/Jersey City-Baltimore, Md. Simon.
Designed for Commuters: A Road-and-Rail Transit System. Johnston.
Salem Branch Update. Burlage.
Updated Pandemic Effect on Philadelphia Area Rail Service. Holtz.
The New York & Long Branch in the 1950s. Gallo and Rosenbaum.
Glassboro - Conrail present and PRSL past.
NJ Transit Headend-Ride Video. Holtz.
Pennsylvania Railroad Operating Rule 99. Baile and Vollmer.
Local Scene.
Ocean City Electrification. Lee.
Local Scene.
Down to the Shore in Style. Simon
Those Atlantic City Conventions. Railway Age
Local Scene.
A Day on the Railroad - The Union Transportation Company. Brinckmann
P&R No. 23 and Enginehouse Gang. Baile
Railroads in the Basement. Stanton
Atlantic City Railroad Album. Brazel
Local Scene.
Granville Thomas - Railroad Photographer. Wentzel
The Radnor Trail. Burlage
PATCO Inauguration 1969. Vigrass
Atlantic City Line Service Resumed. Holtz
PRR's Camden Terminal. Coxey, Lee
Unusual Occurrence at Haddonfield. Cook
Local Scene.
For the Government of Employees Only. Kranefeld
Memories of Robert L. Long. Lee
Pemberton Memories. Farrell
Local Scene.
Bethlehem Steel Company's Bethlehem Loading Company. Cook
The Capers of CB-20. Sharp
The Maurice River Freight and Engineer Jim Fish. Peters
Amtrak's Shore Thing. Simon
Butterfly Weed, Conrail and Old Blue. Brazel
Dealing with the Other Side. Lee
Local Scene.
Chapter Trolley Trip. Brazel/Baile
Where are the Sharp Turns on the Camden and Amboy that Caused the John Bull to Derail? Lacombe
Laying Welded Rail on the Grenloch Industrial Track. Baile
Jersey City Terminal Indicator Lights. Hoeft
Reading Company Album. MacDonald/Coxey
Local Scene.
WY-34 - A Special Freight. Githens
The Pemberton Branch Lives - Part II. Young
Conrail's Penns Grove Secondary in Salem County. Burlage
The First Big Electric Wreck. Baker
The Pemberton Branch Lives - Part I. Young
Local Scene.
Cape May County Runs Out of Steam. Simon
PRSL Summer Employment 1942-1943. Rhoads
Conrail Album. Farrell
Conrail Shared Asset Album. Young / Vogel
Local Scene.
Atlantic City Streetcar History. Marinoff
Forty Years Ago - Spring 1977.
The Brilliners. Vigrass
Friends Along the Railroad. Lee
American Freedom Train Move. Acton
Local Scene.
The End of Sea Shore Branch Passenger Service. Rosenbaum and Gallo
Stillborn Railroads of Southwestern New Jersey - Part I (concluded). Burlage
Stillborn Railroads of Southwestern New Jersey - Part I. Burlage
Atlantic City Memories. Kozempel
Local Scene.
It was a Great Trip. Hoeft
Abandoned in the Jungle. Lee
Reading's Finest Store-Bought and Home-Built. Simon
Recent Atlantic City Observations. Holtz
PATCO's Start Up: Trials, Tribulations and Solutions: An Anecdotal First Person Narrative. Vigrass
Local Scene.
Edwin D. Juhl - PRR Locomotive Engineer. Kozempel
Evolution of a Corridor - Part 2. Lee
Local Scene.
The B&O Was the Way to Go. Simon
Evolution of a Corridor - Part 1. Lee
Local Scene.
Sound Shore Passenger Service. Rosenbaum and Gallo
Last PRSL Retirements. Simon
Railroad Stories: Mountain Railroading in Camden; Get the “Real McCoy.” Stanton
PRR Album. Cook
PRSL Album. MacDonald
Local Scene.
Recollections of the PRR Camden Ferries. Troth
Named Trains of the Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines. Baer
Let's Take the Train to the Easter Parade. Baile
PRSL Album. Etris
Two Months on the UT. Marian
Local Scene.
The Red Bank-Chatsworth Local. Hoeft
Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin Clayberger, Sr. Young
P-RSL Passenger Dept. “Standard Time” Notice PR-4 Changes in Train Service (12/3/1933). Harrisburg Rail Review
Wine by Rail. Birch
President Roosevelt's Funeral Train. Birch
Local Scene.