WJC Archives
In addition to preserving and archiving our photo collections, we have started to do the same for other items in our extensive collection. We have a number of very old paper items. To prevent further deterioration, we have started to store them in archival boxes. Some examples of the items are shown below, as is the method of storage. Additional updates will be provided as our archiving efforts progress.
This February, 1959, notice, reflecting changes in Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines train frequencies, is obviously deteriorated. These were never intended to last a long time. The railroad was frugal, and reused this notice as a sign.
This is the reused back side of the placard seen previously.
This sign was used, at Cape May, to direct passengers from the closed Pennsylvania Railroad Station to the Reading Station.
Another of our historically interesting notices.
This notice advises of abandonment of the line to Seaville.
This notice states that tracks will be removed on New Jersey Avenue in Wildwood and that passenger and freight service will be conducted at the Oak Avenue Station.
This is an example of the archival boxes that will be used to store these and other, similar, items. They are made of acid-free cardboard that will help prevent further deterioration. This one measures 24 X 36 X 3 inches.
Each item in the box will be separated from the others by an acid-free sheet of paper.